The hackers are allegedly selling personal data of 1.1 million users including their names, addresses, sexual preference, relationship status, phone numbers, email addresses and even private messages according to a report by Forbes. The website was hacked in December 2015, however, and at the time said the incident occurred on a test server and no user information was compromised. Now, with the data being sold on dark web, Troy Hunt of says that the website may be wrong in stating that no data was compromised. has come under fire in the past for profiling users on their looks and booting members for not being attractive enough — 5,000 in 2010 and 3,000 in 2015. People who wish to join the website must undergo a process whereby their attractiveness is rated by website visitors before they can be approved. did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Like the Ashley Madison cheating website hack – which left 39 million people on a dating site for married people exposed, hackers in this case may also be trying to shame the website for profiling users.