“We’re already a cyborg,” said Musk. “You have a digital version of yourself, a partial version of yourself online in the form of your emails, your social media, and all the things that you do.” We already have “super powers,” contends Musk, quoting the world’s access to personal computers and smartphones. “You have more power than the president of the United States had 20 years ago. You can answer any question, you can video conference with anyone, anywhere. You can send messages to millions of people instantly. Just do incredible things.” However, this is only the beginning.

Musk says that the restriction is input/output. And, the answer to this is to amalgamate in some kind of interdependent way with digital intelligence. In other words, it is called a “neural lace” that is something already in the development by the scientists. Explaining such a system developed at Harvard University, this is what Smithsonian Magazine has to say: “Implanted via injection, a grid of wires only a few millimeters across can insinuate itself with living neurons and eavesdrop on their chatter, offering a way for electronics to interface with your brain activity.”

If it fails, then humans should be ready to become pets of our future robotic overlords. “If you assume any rate of advancement in AI, we’ll be left behind,” says Musk, “by a lot.” In what Musk calls the “benign” situation, he says “We would be so far below them in intelligence that we would be like a pet. Like a house cat.”