Two weeks after the FCC voted to approve them in a historic, polarized vote at the commission they finally published the rules. You can expect that the ISPs (Internet Service Providers) will now go through the publication with a fine-tooth comb, probing the rules for legal weaknesses they can take to court to exploit what they can. The crux of the rules of the FCC’s net neutrality order seeks to prevent Internet providers from blocking Web traffic, slowing it down or setting up paid fast lanes for customers that pay more and not disadvantage customers that don’t pay as much. After a year’s worth of intense lobbying by carriers and Web companies and especially after public outcry, with 4 million written comments to the FCC that helped convince the agency to adopt far more aggressive regulations against ISPs want to extort its customers. The shift to fair and reasonable internet is at hand. the FCC writes in the new order. Of course, the ISPs are not happy and vowed to press for other alternatives. AT&T said in a statement on Thursday To see the document for yourself, check it out here.