In addition to making great headphones, microphones, gaming mice, the company also leads the front when making gaming keyboards and to remind the general public that it is still producing this particular gaming peripheral, Logitech unveiled a giant wall comprised of 160 Logitech G810 RGB keyboards.

For those unfamiliar, Logitech G810 was announced earlier this year and it is a mechanical gaming keyboard, which has a higher lifespan compared to regular keyboards, which feature a membrane keypad. While they might be bulky in size, these keyboards are definitely built to last and to top it all, Logitech has also equipped these products with individual LEDs, meaning that if you had spare time on your hands to count every single key, it would equal a total of 18,400 LEDs up on display on the wall. The best part is that Logitech also teamed up with Right Brain Electronics’ Kent Suzuki who helped write a piece of software that turned was able to turn the keyboard wall into a gigantic LED display, which you can check out in the video give above. While most gaming peripheral manufacturing firms produce products that might be out of your wallet’s range, Logitech caters to nearly every single market with price/performance products as well as its top of the line range too. YouTube