An interactive website was recently launched by the space agency that allows you to drive Curiosity around, inspect in detail the planet’s topography and learn more about the mission of the Mars Exploration Program, which is accumulating data to help find a landing site for the Mars 2020 rover mission. In the end, this research will concrete the way to coordinate a manned mission in the 2030s.

Meanwhile, people on Earth are speculating that the image actually resembles like “a woman partly cloaked.” On social media sites, she is now getting the nickname of the “Dark Lady,” and some are still trying to determine exactly what they are looking at sparking speculation about whether it’s a hoax or a visual processing error. Another nearby formation resembles a cave dwelling. The mysterious images of the ‘Dark Lady’ comes just days after a photo of a very odd-looking “space crab” started floating around the internet. It was another picture taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars.

The “space crab” visions are an example of pareidolia, said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the Center for SETI Research, where the brain connects illusive forms with identified objects.

The mysterious looking standing woman figure on the surface of Mars may or may not be there, but the images coming from NASA’s Curiosity rover surely makes us think that it could be real. Take a look at the footage from NASA’s Curiosity rover in the YouTube video below.