Queensland scientists have discovered a novel non-invasive ultrasound method to restore memory in Alzheimer induced miceDetails of the experiment

Australian citizens above the age of 65 years have been suffering from the Alzheimer’s disease which is a form of dementia. Dementia is progressive brain disorder wherein the brain cells degenerate due to which the person is not able to function normally. The major symptoms of the disease being memory loss, confusion, personality change, withdrawal and a loss of ability to do everyday tasks. At present there is no permanent cure and the drugs provide only symptomatic treatment while the brain keeps degenerating and the condition worsens day by day. Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research (CJCADR), Australia, foscusses on research into the prevention and treatment of dementia with the main aim to preserve the quality of life for the older Australians. Australia has an alarming number of about 250,000 older citizens suffering from Alzheimer.

Details of the experiment

Amyloid-? is a peptide which causes the neurotoxic plaques that destroys the synapses in the brain of a person suffering from Alzheimer’s dementia and is the main cause for memory loss. A team of scientists at the University of Queensland’s Brain Institute (QBI) experimented by inducing the brains of test mice with the amyloid-? peptides. These test mice, now known as Genetically engineered mice were used to check the efficacy of non invasive and drug free ultrasound in the Alzheimer’s dementia treatment. The test mice were exposed to repeated scanning ultrasounds and it was seen that the ultrasound produced rapid oscillating waves that activated the microglial cells which ultimately absorbed the amyloid-? plaque and when examined with spinning disc confocal microscopy and 3D reconstruction it showed that the treatment had removed maximum amyloid-? plaques. The test mice had to undergo three major “memory task test” and 75% of the treated mice showed an improvement in their memory and they performed as normal mice. PhD student Gerhard Leinenga had been working on the project for the past three years and was surprised to see that when they used a combination of Ultrasound and micro-bubbles technique to temporarily open the blood-brain barrier and clear the amyloid beta.; it gave tremendous response wherein activated microglial cells had consumed a lot of the amyloid-?. Leinenga also said that this is a novel treatment which is non invasive and also drug free and most probably would be targeted on the sheep brains prior to humans. In contrast, this method uses relatively inexpensive ultrasound and micro bubble technology which is non-invasive and appears highly effective. The approach is able to temporarily open the blood-brain barrier, activating mechanisms that clear toxic protein clumps and restoring memory functions. With this approach the blood-brain barrier’s opening is only temporary for a few hours, so it quickly restores its protective role.” Professor Gotz says human trials for the test are at least two years away.