Though Raspberry Pi Zero has multiple users, using this miniature computer as an analytical tool is stretching the poor little thing too far. However what happens when you pool the computational power of 16 Raspberry Pi Zero’s together. This is what Idein, a Japanese startup did. Idein has been working with a Raspberry Pi compute module to create Actbulb, a multi-functional device for applications using computational sensing and data analysis, and that fits in a regular light bulb socket. For getting the necessary computational power from the tiny Raspberry Pi Zero, they’ve decided to create a cluster for 16 Raspberry Pi Zero boards. Idein made a PiZero Cluster board which has 32 micro USB ports for power and data.  Two for each Raspberry Pi Zero board, 16 USB type A ports, and 16 Ethernet interfaces. They then used this PiZero Cluster board for testing their ActBulb, as Koichi Nakamura, Idein CEO & founder mentioned that: This is what the final product looks like as announced by Nakamura on Twitter

— Koichi Nakamura (@9_ties) January 23, 2016 Idein needed the miniature Raspberry Pi Zero because of its utility to fit into any small surface. Happy with the success of PiZero, Nakamura tweeted that they would soon be adding a Ethernet switch, GPIO headers, and further features to make it full fledged mini supercomputer.

— Koichi Nakamura (@9_ties) January 24, 2016