— Herakles (@Herakles_06) May 6, 2015 Team Herakles told the HackRead that they had attacked  GitHub for ‘Lulz’ or fun. Team Herakles is the same hackers group which had brought down the Vatican city website earlier in April 2015 in response the the Pope Francis’s comments terming the Armenians massacred in Turkey as a ‘Genocide’ Whereas, GitHub’s woes continue after the longish attack on it by Chinese back hackers through the Great Cannon hack tool. GitHub had been brought down through the Great Cannon hack tool in the month of March, 2015 when it was offline for more than a week. The GitHub team has however stated that it was down due to some ‘error’

— GitHub Status (@githubstatus) May 6, 2015 Later it took the site completely down displaying the site under maintenance page and at 12.30 hrs UTC, the site was working normally.

— GitHub Status (@githubstatus) May 6, 2015