While selling branded drink may be considered as not so harmful, selling elephant ivory is definitely very harmful. Yahoo Japan seems to have forgotten that ivory trade is a strict taboo even as activists have laid claim that Yahoo Japan sold a dozen tonnes of elephant ivory in a short period of two years. Activist network Avaaz has also introduced a petition that wants Yahoo to end its ivory sales portal. This petition has already garnered more than a 1.1 million signatures as of now. “Since there is a chance some sales may be illegal we are strengthening our policies. If we find a sale was illegal we cancel it straight away,” Takako Kaminaga of Yahoo Japan’s public relations office said. “We ‘patrol’ 24 hours a day.” She said Yahoo Japan, which is part owned by Yahoo Inc. and Softbank Corp., does not restrict sales of ivory that do not violate the law. She also reiterated that Yahoo owns 35.5% of Yahoo Japan, and does not condone any sale of ivory. Raw ivory is sought after for making ornate traditional seals and other decorative items. Poachers kill tens of thousands of elephants a year to meet demand for the material, despite the trade ban, according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and other groups.